SUCCESS STORIES: WHY TRISH sold everything SHE owned TO travel

Posted: 12/7/2012 December 7th, 2012

Finishing off the week of reader stories, we head across the pond to England and meet Trish, a 35-year-old teacher. Not delighted with her life in England, she sold everything she owned, gave herself a budget of 10,000 GBP ($16,000 USD), and set off traveling the world with only her backpack to her name.

Nomadic Matt: tell me about yourself.
Trish: I originally come from Ipswich, a small town in east Anglia about an hour’s drive from London. I have been traveling now for about five months through Australia and Asia.

I was living a normal London life. I had a charming job teaching stunning five-year-olds in a respected private school in east London. I got paid well and rented a modern two-bed apartment or condo 10 minutes’ walk from work. I tried to clear up for five years, but I rarely had money left at the end of the month and so the dream of a lot more traveling became a lot more and a lot more distant.

Life was good…just not GREAT. So after much procrastination, I made a decision to sell my house, give up my job, and sell all my ownerships at automobile boot [trunk] sales. I gave myself a budget of 10,000 GBP. After five months of traveling, I still have nearly a third of my original budget left.

I’m now traveling in Thailand, and my backpack is all I have to my name.

Did you plan any certain trip or just wanted to travel?
I just knew I wanted something different from life, but I had no clear idea about the type of trip I was planning. I love learning about different cultures and so I looked into countries I had always dreamed of visiting.

I looked into getting a round-the-world ticket, but the cost and the enormity of the research and planning afraid me. I got bogged down by the minute details, and then it became too big a task so I made a decision to start with Australasia.

I had been invited to check out a pal and her family in Australia, so I made a decision to book a return flight to Brisbane and then stop off on the way back in Singapore and work my way up through Asia.

I also knew I wanted to travel differently than the normal backpacker once I got into Asia by doing some Couchsurfing, volunteering, and house-sitting so that I could get a feel for the country I was visiting.

How did you research your trip?
First, I wanted to know what you had packed and the sorts of items that would be helpful to carry around. then I became interested in how you budgeted for your trips. My budget didn’t seem that big until I started to look into ways in which you could travel for cheaper. I researched how I could use HelpX to volunteer my labor in return for a bed and food.

As a teacher, there are lots of opportunities across the world for someone like me to show English, so I thought I could make my money stretch that way. I liked reading your stories about what you’d learnt while traveling. They inspired me to write about my own feelings.

Were you terrified before you went on your trip?
I was terrified and ecstatic at the same time. It took me a long time to actually just book the flight and make it real!

Once I did that, life got busy and I had “to do” lists coming out my ears! I think this is because I made a decision to go the whole way and detach myself from my old life. It wasn’t just about traveling for a few months or taking a sabbatical and returning to my life — it was about starting over and having a different view about being a permanent traveler.

Through your website, I recognized you as someone who had made a success of traveling indefinitely. I wanted to be able to do the same. I have lots of ideas about how to, but I haven’t actually had enough time to put plans into action as I’ve been traveling and doing stuff each day considering that I started in August!

How did you save for your trip?
I sold my house and valuables so that I was debt-free. I’m using that money for traveling. I put a budget aside for my traveling and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

What about life on the road has shocked you the most?
Mange ting! I’ve found you can live with a lot less clothes and things than you thought you could. You always make pals and meet people wherever you are. You rarely, if ever, feel lonely because of all the people around.

Lastly, the goodness and kindness of the people in the country in which you’re traveling.

Never underestimate the power of a smile and hand gestures! everyone has been really friendly and helpful.

With such limited funds, how do you stay on budget when you travel?
I always research accommodation and compare prices. I normally use hostel sites as well; I look on to compare reviews and ratings. I work out how much I’m ready to pay for a room, bed, and comfort.

So far, this technique has not let me down, and I’ve stayed in some really charming and inexpensive places. I try to choose places with complimentary Wi-Fi, a common area, andGod sikkerhet for tingene mine. Det samme gjelder mat. Jeg finner ut hvor den beste gaten/markedsmaten er og liker å se hvor lokalbefolkningen går. Jeg spiser nesten aldri på restauranter nå, da de er tre ganger beløpet du betaler for nylaget lokal mat.

Jeg drikker ikke så mye, men hvis jeg drikker en drink, holder jeg meg normalt til lokalt øl, da det er det billigste.

Hvilken ting du trodde ville være en utfordring har vist seg å ikke være?
Jeg lurte på hvordan jeg ville takle om ting går galt mens jeg reiser til forskjellige destinasjoner og jeg ikke kan snakke språket, for eksempel bussen går i stykker eller toget ikke kommer. Jeg har lært at jeg kan takle, og det er ikke verdens ende.

Alt viser seg alt ideelt til slutt, og det er alltid noen som vil hjelpe. Jeg trodde også at jeg ville være ensom, men jeg har ikke vært i det hele tatt. Det er alltid noen som går din vei.

Hvilke anbefalinger vil du ha for folk som vil gå bort, men kanskje ikke tror de kan?
GJØR DET! Jeg har hatt mye mer fantastiske øyeblikk de siste månedene enn jeg har hatt i hele mitt liv på grunn av avgjørelsen jeg tok om å reise!

Slipp alle unnskyldningene: penger, tid, jobb, folks begrensende tro og trangsynte synspunkter osv. Du får gjøre det du vil, når du vil, uten kompromisser.

Bli den neste suksesshistorien

En av favorittdelene mine om denne jobben er å høre folks reisehistorier. De inspirerer meg, men mye viktigere, de inspirerer deg også. Jeg reiser på en viss måte, men det er mange måter å finansiere turene dine og reise verden rundt. Jeg håper disse historiene viser deg at det er mye mer enn en måte å reise på, og at det er innenfor ditt grep å nå reisemålene dine.

Her er mange flere eksempler på mennesker som fant en måte å betale for sitt eventyr over hele verden:

Hvordan Michael sparte $ 14 000 på seks måneder med $ 9 per time

Hvordan 22 år gamle Lauren sparte 18 000 dollar for sitt episke eventyr

Olivia og Manny sluttet i avlukket for å følge deres lidenskap

Hvordan (og hvorfor) denne 72-åringen backpacking the world

To San Diegans erobrer deres frykt for å reise verden rundt

Vi kommer alle fra forskjellige steder, men vi har alle en ting til felles: Vi vil alle reise mer.

Hvordan reise verden rundt på $ 50 om dagen

My New York Times bestselgende pocketbok guide til verdensreiser vil vise deg hvordan du kan mestre kunsten å reise slik at du kommer fra allfarvei, sparer penger og har en dypere reiseopplevelse. Det er din A til Z -planleggingsguide at BBC kalte “Bibelen for budsjettreisende.”

Klikk her for å lære mye mer og begynn å lese den i dag!

Bestill turen: Logistiske ideer og triks
Bestill flyet ditt
Finn en rimelig flytur ved å bruke Skyscanner. Det er min favoritt søkemotor fordi den søker på nettsteder og flyselskaper over hele kloden, slik at du alltid vet at ingen stein er igjen.

Bestill innkvarteringen din
Du kan bestille vandrerhjemmet ditt med Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the least expensive rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Ikke glem reiseforsikring
Travel insurance will secure you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s detailed protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it lots of times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

SafetyWing (best for everyone)

Forsikre turen min (for de over 70)

Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Ready to book Your Trip?
Sjekk ut ressurssiden min for de beste selskapene å bruke når du reiser. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

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